Junior training is run by age group, with separate junior sessions for each age group from u8s to u18s. Times of each session can be found on the main Training Times page.
These sessions are all delivered by our expert coaching team in line with the club's Coaching Philosophy and the GB Talent System Framework. The club is focused on developing young players and providing them with an excellent experience.
Please note, all juniors must bring shin pads, gum shields and suitable footwear for all training sessions. We also recommend warm clothing during the winter months and a glove for the left hand. Hockey sticks can be provided if required.
We have a fantastic junior coaching team, coordinated by Head of Junior Hockey Dave Washington. There are coaches at each age group and team managers for each age group.
Standard training is covered in the membership (additional block payments for juniors attending two sessions per week). Please come down and try sessions for free at first if you are considering whether to join. To find out more email northstaffordhcjuniors@gmail.com